Miniart's Bantam BRC 40 4x4 Truck w/Crew Build Blog.


Part One


 Here we are at the start.  This is my first Miniart kit.  First thing I noticed is the amount of flash on the part.  They appear to be well defined, just have a lot of flash to cut off.  Also the plastic for these kits seems a little more brittle than say Tamiya. 



Part Two


Here are two views of the Chassis.. top and bottom.  Everything is fairly detailed and goes together straight if you are careful, and this small kit holds a lot of detail.

BRC40 01

BRC40 02


Part Three


 A couple of photos of the body and showing the fit to the chassis.  A basic build with the only difficulty is getting rid of all the flash that was on the wheels.

BRC40 03

BRC40 04


Part Four


The Start of my Painting process for this one.  I am trying for a multi toned olive drab.  I used a base of dark olive drab then a lighter coat of Olive drab over that for some shadows and highlights.. here is a photo.. it will prob blend a little more after some weathering..

BRC40 05


Also did the tires and wheels.. base of Floquil Weathered Black, followed by the base OD and then the lighter OD to really try and bring out the details. 



Part Five


 Got the first clear coat on.. did the decals very basic for the vehicle... added Archers Dash Placards and Gauges.. can't really understand why the kit didn't include them.. did some of the detail painting a lot left to go and will do some light weathering..  Can't really see the different shades of green here because of the lighting I used for the photo.
 BRC40 06bimage
Part Six


 I got most of the detail painting done, also  some of the weathering can't get the seats exactly how I want them yet.. here is a photo.  Still a little Glossy,  got to get the flat coat on later..
BRC40 07image
Part Seven


Finished up the detail work and started on the weathering. 

I took this photo with no flash using day lighting to give a better view of the colors..

I've weathered it up with some AK Interactive Dust Effects and some Dust pigments. I think I have it toned down to a more military look.. the pigments are a little heavy in places but will be toned down more when I spray my flat coat on..

I am going for a dusty look of a vehicle that has been out the field being used as only  a Jeep can be...

BRC40 08image

Part Eight


Did the Flat Coat, used Vallejo's Matt Clear then retouched up the pigments, still have to fix the tires a little and add some slightly different color dust for a better effect.  

on this build I went with a base coat of Model Master olive drab
Then a top down spraying of lightened olive drab.... 
then I sprayed the underside allowing some over spray along the sides and back of Ak interactive Dust Effects (Ak 015)
then I heavily weathered it logically using AK's European Earth Pigments AK-042.. 
then a flat coat which toned down a bit of the pigments and then touched up with some more pigments where needed.. so far so good.. I am a real fan of Dusty.. lol I think different tones give an olive drab model some wow factor.

Ok now here is the last build photo before I get to the finals.

 BRC40 09image 

Final Finished Model.


 Finished model.  Somewhere along the way I lost the windshield.  the blue number decals are not the best but everything else cam out great.  

Bantam BRC40 02


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Delby D
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